Cuibhle an Fhortain

Morag Law
Luath Press Ltd
Merchant Product Cat path: 
Books > Fiction > Short stories
Morag Law|Paperback|Luath Press Ltd|15/12/2019
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Book Description: 
An Dan - caochladach, diomhair is uaireanan gu math cruaidh. Co nar measg nach do dh' fhuiling buaidh An Dan air ar beatha? Bho fasaichean Astrailia gu na h-Innse Gall, bho taigheadas seann dhaoine gu casino anns a' bhaile mhor tha an cruinneachadh seo a' sealltainn dhuinn lamh An Dain ag obair ann am beathannan agus anns na daimhean caochladh charactaran. Buidheann sgriobhadairean ag ionnsachadh leasan ur iongantach , cupall a' deiligeadh ri laigse na h-aoise. Parantan a' stri ri thuigsinn inbheachd ur an nighean ,fear a' deanamh bargan nach eil ag obrachadh a-mach ann an doigh san robh duil aige. Ann an cuid de na sgeulachdan bidh caractaran a' tachradh ris An Dan ann an cumadh strainnsear no neach-tadhail aig nach robh duil aca. Tha sgeulachdan ann far a bheil An Dain a' tighinn am follais ann an tachartasan sonraichte agus cuid eile far a bheil caractaran a' feuchainn ri cothachadh leis a' bhuaidh 's a tha An Dain a' fagail orra bho na laithean a dh'fhalbh. Gu tric bi iad gar fagail le ceistean mun am ri teachd, ' s iad uile a' cuir cuideam air de cho mi-chinnteach 's a tha beatha mac an duine, far nach eil fhios aig duin' againn de tha air thoisich oirnn. Fate - fickle, mysterious and sometimes very cruel. From the outback of Australia to the Hebrides, from a city casino to the confines of sheltered housing, this collection of stories shows the hand of Fate at work in the lives and relationships of a wide variety of characters. There are the members of a writers' group who learn a new and surprising lesson, a couple coming to terms with the restrictions of age, parents forced to acknowledge the growing maturity of their child, a man who makes a bargain with unforeseen results. In some stories, the characters encounter Fate in the guise of a stranger or unexpected visitor, or while experiencing significant - sometimes life-changing - events. In others, the characters are facing up to the effects of a fateful experience in their past. All the stories will leave you with as many questions as answers and make you think anew about the effect of Fate on all our lives.
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