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Books > Science, Technology & Medicine > Mathematics & science > Biology / life sciences
Jon Scott|Paperback|Oxford University Press|29/07/2022
Book Description:
Biological Science: Exploring the Science of Life responds to the key needs of lecturers and their students by placing a clear central narrative, carefully-structured active learning, and confidence with quantitative concepts and scientific enquiry central to its approach. Written by a team of dedicated and passionate academics, and shaped by feedback from over 55 institutions, its straightforward narrative, reinforced by key concept overview videos for every chapter, communicate key ideas clearly: the right information is provided at the right time, and at the right depth. Its pause and think features, self-check quizzes, and graded end of chapter questions, augmented by flashcards of key terms, directly support active learning. The combination of narrative text and learning features promote a rich, active learning experience: read, watch, and do. Its combination of Quantitative Toolkits, Scientific Process panels, and the Life and its Exploration chapters provide more insight and support than any other general biology text; they prepare students to engage with this quantitative and experimental discipline with confidence, and set them on a path for success throughout their future studies. With coverage that spans the full scale of biological science - from molecule to ecosystem - and with an approach that fully supports flexible, self-paced learning, Biological Science: Exploring the Science of Life will set you on a path towards a deeper understanding of the key concepts in biology, and a greater appreciation of biology as a dynamic experimental science. Digital formats and resources Biological Science: Exploring the Science of Life is available for students and institutions to purchase in a variety of formats. The enhanced ebook is enriched with features that offer extra learning support: - Key concepts videos support students from the start of every chapter and as they make their way through every Module. - Self-check questions at the end of each chapter section give students quick and formative feedback, building their confidence and comprehension as they study and revise. - Quantitative skills video screencasts help students to master the foundational skills required by this discipline. - Interactive figures give students the control they need to step through, and gain mastery over, key concepts. - Per-chapter flashcard glossaries help students to recall the key terms and concepts on which further study can be built.