Williams Manual of Hematology, Tenth Edition

Marshall Lichtman
McGraw-Hill Education
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Books > Science, Technology & Medicine > Medicine > Medicine: general issues
Marshall Lichtman|Paperback|McGraw-Hill Education|09/05/2022
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Book Description: 
Sales HandleConcise and condensed content referenced to the classic main text of Williams Hematology, 10th edition.This book is perfect for use when time is tight on rounds or in the clinic. Excellent resource for the hematologist and non-hematologist.Everything you need to know about the fundamental principles and practice of non-malignant andmalignanthematology.--Coversall topics covered on the hematology-oncology board review----Includesall of the most current classifications of hematology diseases--Greatresource for the non-hematologist with in-depth explanations --Includescoverage of COVID-19 and abnormal clotting written by leading expertsAbout the BookAlthough it’s a handbook it is deceptively comprehensive.--Hematologists diagnose and treat blood diseases, including clots,sickle cell disease and other hemoglobinopathies, leukemias,and lymphomas, ---Concise and condensed content referenced to the classic maintextbook. --It is the perfect book to be used on rounds and in the clinic. --Authoritative quick and practical reference that can be used as acompanion or stand-alone tool for point-of-care facts and board preparation.--Succinct focus on diagnosis and management.--Includes numerous tables that contain diagnostic and therapeuticinformation relevant to the diseases discussed.--Coverage of COVID-19 infections because of the frequent manifestationof associated coagulation abnormalities that are associated withrespiratory deterioration and death. Some patients with COVID-19 tend to develop thromboembolic complications. Market/AudienceOncology fellows: 1500Hematology/oncology: 20,000Internal Medicine: 100,000IM Residents: 9000Medical Genetics: 2500Genetic Counselors: 1000Pediatric hematologists: 20003rd year medical students: 17,0002nd yearmedical students: 17,000Advancedpractice professionals: 50,000PharmaceuticalcompaniesPharmaBenefit to the CustomerThe fastest way to access and use the authority of Williams Hematology. Must have condensed version for hematology and internal medicine residents.--Perfect for students, residents, and fellows needing quick but credible guidance on diagnosis and treatmentof common nonmalignant and malignant blood diseases.--Carefully edited to deliver only the most clinical point-of-care facts, making differential diagnosis faster, easier, and more efficient.--Edited by the leading global experts in malignant and nonmalignant hematology.Author Profile---The Williams’ editorial team truly represents the cream of the crop of research and clinical hematology. The editors are all known worldwide for their contributions to the field. Most of the editors are previous Presidents of the American Society of Hematology. --The lead editor for the 10th edition of the Williams Manual, Marshall Lichtman, is former Dean of the Rochester University School of Medicine, and a former President of the American Society of Hematology. Author's Other TitlesKaushansky/Williams Hematology, 9/e (0071833005), 2015, McGraw Hill.Reviews* 5 Star Doody's Review for the 9th edition

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