Independent Thinking Press
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Books > Politics, Society & Education > Education > Teaching skills & techniques
Rachel Jones|Paperback|Independent Thinking Press|25/09/2014
Book Description:
t also presents the practical advice of those who have been there and done it and who now want to share their collective wisdom with you. The aim of which is to make education better, not just in your classroom but for everyone.A useful and inspirational book, it can be read straight through, or dipped in and out of for subject specific advice. A one-stop shop to inspire, invigorate and re-energise teachers and leaders alike, it's comprehensively written and covers an exceptional subject breadth. There is something for everyone, as it provides hints and ideas from both sides of the knowledge/skills debate, and challenges the perceived divide between primary and secondary pedagogy. Don't Change the Light Bulbs will provoke discussion, not only over its useful ideas, but also because of how it seeks to rethink the way we see imagined dichotomies in education. The wise words found within its pages will inspire your teaching, encouraging and supporting you, whilst you are stimulated to think outside of the classroom walls.For use by, and of interest to, everyone involved in the education sector.Contributors include:John Tomsett @Johntomsett@ChocotzarSarah Findlater @MsfindlaterDan Williams @FurtheredagogyStephen Lockyer @MrlockyerDaniel Harvey @Danielharvey9Ross Morrison McGill @TeachertoolkitChris Deakin @SociologyheavenGwen Nelson @GwenelopeMathew Pullen @Mat6453Amy Harvey @Ms_JamdangoryAlex Quigley @HuntingenglishPhil Stock @JoeybagstockSteve Wheeler @TimbuckteethAndrew Day @AndyphilipdayPete Jones @PekabeloDan Leighton @DanhleightonAmjad Ali @AstsupportaaliTom Sherrington @HeadguruteacherSteph Ladbrooke @LearnbuzzJill Berry @Jillberry102Year 3 Pupil, FinleyJulia Skinner @Theheads Office@ItsmothersworkYear 9 Pupil, Dylan @Book_Worm39Alan O'Donohoe @TeknoteacherDave Andress @ProfdaveandressMary Myatt @MarymyattEmma Payne @Emma_PaynehtAndy Lewis @IteachreChris Chivers @Chrischivers2Jon Tait @TeamtaitAmy Kennett @AmykennettIan Gilbert @ThatiangilbertMartin Illingworth @MartinillingworDavid Rogers @Daviderogers@H_Metal_LeaderJim Smith @ThelazyteacherMark Anderson @IctevangelistBen Waldram @MrwaldramShaun Allison @Shaun_AllisonHarry Fletcher-Wood @HfletcherwoodTim Taylor @ImagineinquiryIesha Small @IeshasmallHywel Roberts @Hywel_RobertsRachel Orr @RachelorrMartin Burrett @IctmagicKev Bartle @KevbartleThomas Starkey @Tstarkey1212@TeachertweaksJo Baker @Jobaker9David Fawcett @Davidfawcett27 AndJenn Ludgate @MissjludJan Baker @Janbaker97Sue Cowley @Sue_CowleyAndrew Old @OldandrewukLisa Fernandez Adams @Lisafernandez78@Cazzypot@BergistraRob Ward @PgcengLisa Jane Ashes @LisajaneashesNina Jackson @MusicmindDebra Kidd @DebrakiddRachel Jones @Rlj1981Chris Waugh @Edutronic_NetDavid Blow @DtblowAmelia Stone @Revells7Martyn Reah @MartynreahStephen Logan @Stephen_LoganScott Hayden @BcotmediaVic Goddard @Vicgoddard