A documentary about Romanian Roma (Gypsies) - featuring survivors describing their experiences during the Holocaust. The film also shows the lives of Roma today and current issues such as poverty...
Reggae The Story of Jamaican Music BBC Documentary
Reggae: The Story of Jamaican Music is three-part documentary series that first aired in 2002 on the BBC network. Produced by Maxine Gordon in collaboration with Mike Connolly, the documentary explores the origins of reggae, its worldwide recognition during the 60s and 70s and its influence on western music (most notably hip-hop). Featuring amazing archival footage and interviews with various reggae legends, this documentary is a must watch for any reggae fan or music history buff. As always, enjoy and be educated.
(text copied from The Diggers Union)
Location: Jamaica/International
Date: 2002
Broadcaster/Producer: BBC
Credits: BBC
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